



I'm just getting into .Net development and having come from a Java background I'm looking for documentation laid out in a similar fashion to Sun's Java API docs.

A clean, simple interface with all the constructors and methods (and their parameters!) and properties for a class laid out on one page. No examples - a summary at the top, and details below.

+8  A: 

I don't believe such a beast exists - but I've been using the MSDN documentation in the "lightweight" mode, and it's not bad at all. Yes, you have to click through to get from the list of members to the details (instead of just scrolling) but you get used to it quite quickly.

Of course there's also the offline version (although that seems to have become webified for VS2010) - I almost always stay in the index view when I'm using that.

Jon Skeet
Direct link to Lightweight MSDN:
Wim Hollebrandse
Thanks, edited.
Jon Skeet
I also like the Low bandwidth version of MSDN. Its even a little bit simpler than "lightweight". Here is the link.
Yeah, I had a look at the lightweight and scriptfree versions, but like you said, there's still a lot of clicks involved. That's really my main concern - having the API for a class on a single page.
+1  A: 

MSDN works OK. You can hide the examples by not checking any of the options in the Language Filter drop down at the top. Quite often I find that other sites are just copies of what is available at MSDN but MSDN is usually more up to date. They also have links to the other .NET frameworks on each page if you are not using the latest version.


So I discovered "F1" help recently.. It's similar to the MSDN "ScriptFree" version but is much more convenient just by having a link to "All Members" at the top so I can click on it immediately and be taken to the documentation which (imho) should be the first thing displayed.

This still doesn't alleviate issues like having to click through method names to see their parameters or overloaded versions, but it's an improvement over having to scroll to the bottom of a lengthy page of examples just to get a link to member and property documentation.
