



OK I have this function (I got as the answer to this question) that merges an array like so:


function readArray( $arr, $k, $default = 0 ) {
    return isset( $arr[$k] ) ? $arr[$k] : $default ;

function merge( $arr1, $arr2 ) {
    $result = array() ;
    foreach( $arr1 as $k => $v ) {
        if( is_numeric( $v ) ) {
            $result[$k] = (int)$v + (int) readArray( $arr2, $k ) ;
        } else {
            $result[$k] = merge( $v, readArray($arr2, $k, array()) ) ;
    return $result ;


$basketA = array( "fruit" => array(), "drink" => array() ) ;
$basketA['fruit']['apple'] = 1;
$basketA['fruit']['orange'] = 2;
$basketA['fruit']['banana'] = 3;
$basketA['drink']['soda'] = 4;
$basketA['drink']['milk'] = 5;

$basketB = array( "fruit" => array(), "drink" => array() ) ;
$basketB['fruit']['apple'] = 2;
$basketB['fruit']['orange'] = 2;
$basketB['fruit']['banana'] = 2;
$basketB['drink']['soda'] = 2;
$basketB['drink']['milk'] = 2;

$basketC = merge( $basketA, $basketB ) ;
print_r( $basketC ) ;


    [fruit] => Array
            [apple] => 3
            [orange] => 4
            [banana] => 5

    [drink] => Array
            [soda] => 6
            [milk] => 7


OK this works with 1 flaw I cannot figure out how to fix: if $arr1 is missing something that $arr2 has, it should just use the value from $arr2 but instead omits it all together:


$basketA = array( "fruit" => array(), "drink" => array() ) ;
$basketA['fruit']['apple'] = 1;
$basketA['fruit']['orange'] = 2;
$basketA['fruit']['banana'] = 3;
$basketA['drink']['milk'] = 5;

$basketB = array( "fruit" => array(), "drink" => array() ) ;
$basketB['fruit']['apple'] = 2;
$basketB['fruit']['orange'] = 2;
$basketB['fruit']['banana'] = 2;
$basketB['drink']['soda'] = 2;
$basketB['drink']['milk'] = 2;

$basketC = merge( $basketA, $basketB ) ;
print_r( $basketC ) ;


    [fruit] => Array
            [apple] => 3
            [orange] => 4
            [banana] => 5

    [drink] => Array
            [milk] => 7


Notice how [soda] is not in the new array because the first array did not have it.

How can I fix this???


+1  A: 

Quick fix, change the merge() function to look like this:

function merge( $arr1, $arr2 ) {
    $result = array() ;
    foreach( $arr1 as $k => $v ) {
        if( is_numeric( $v ) ) {
            $result[$k] = (int)$v + (int) readArray( $arr2, $k ) ;
        } else {
            $result[$k] = merge( $v, readArray($arr2, $k, array()) ) ;
    foreach( $arr2 as $k => $v ) {
        if( is_numeric( $v ) ) {
            $result[$k] = (int)$v + (int) readArray( $arr1, $k ) ;
        } else {
            $result[$k] = merge( $v, readArray($arr1, $k, array()) ) ;
    return $result ;


    [fruit] => Array
            [apple] => 3
            [orange] => 4
            [banana] => 5

    [drink] => Array
            [soda] => 2
            [milk] => 7

It's also worth noticing that array_merge_recursive() alone does almost the same:

$basketC = array_merge_recursive($basketA, $basketB);


    [fruit] => Array
            [apple] => Array
                    [0] => 1
                    [1] => 2

            [orange] => Array
                    [0] => 2
                    [1] => 2

            [banana] => Array
                    [0] => 3
                    [1] => 2


    [drink] => Array
            [milk] => Array
                    [0] => 5
                    [1] => 2

            [soda] => 2

So if you wanted to know how many oranges are in $basketC, you would just have to do:

array_sum($basketC['fruit']['orange']); // 4

This way you don't need to use any hackish, slow and unproved custom function.

Alix Axel
This works, although i am surprised, looking at the code I would have thought it was merging them twice making the values doubled but I tested it and it works like it should. Thank you!!
John Isaacks
@John Isaacks: No problem, see my update...
Alix Axel
`hackish, slow and unproved custom function`. Troll detected. Ask your mom to teach you good manners. And BTW, `$a = array_merge( array_keys($a1), array_keys($a2) ); foreach($a as $k){ $v=$a[$k];...}` looks way better than copy-paste. Au revoir.
@St.Woland: Your function is (at least was) buggy (unproved), it's slow - no doubt about it. If you can't handle your own mistakes don't get all sentimental about it.
Alix Axel