



I know there are a billion questions regarding what books are best and I'm sorry for posting another, but all of them see to have an orientation to a language I am not familiar with.

My problem is I learned to program before OO became big, then I stopped programming for a few years, moved into web design, moved into coldFusion, and now find myself in PHP, actionScript and FLEX.

I have muddled along for quite some time, but I am really struggling with my understanding of OO and would like a good book that will help me out with it. If that book is geared towards Flex and AS3 then that would be awesome, but if it had no language specified either I would be happy. I'm just not sure how reading a book oriented to Java or whatever is going to help my understanding of AS3.

So what can you guys recommend?

Thanks ~Mike

+1  A: 

OOP Demystified is a good start. Samples are in Java & C++ (some C#) but it focuses on the OOP Concepts. You'll get the idea.

Highly recommended!

Finally got this one last night and started right in. It's repetitive, in a good way. There was one paragraph that had 5 sentences in it that all said the same thing, each one in a different way. If understood the first time, good for you, the rest is review, if not then one of they ways they say it will work for you.
+3  A: 

When it comes AS3 I think (Essential ActionScript) is the best there is. The book focuses on the AS3 Language as a whole, but from a OOP perspective. The very first chapter has you writing objects. No MXML in it though.

Tyler Egeto
no MXML is fine. The MXML is easy, its all the classes and stuff that I have trouble with. Thanks
I'm going to try out the OOP demystified, then move into this one, O'Reilly are very informative, but sometimes also very dry. Thank you
Goodluck and happy reading!
Tyler Egeto

I found the first chapter of this book to be one of the most concise and interesting explanation of OO. If you get those 20 pages in your RAM, you are half of the way ☺

the Gang of Four book is NOT for beginners by any stretch of the imagination, if you already know the basics of OOA/OOD then go for it, but for someone that "doesn't get it", this book will just re-enforce that you don't get it.
fuzzy lollipop
thanks for the warning fuzzy
I'm talking about its introduction. He/she says "learned to program before OO" so I guess he/she can understand it.
+2  A: 

Head First Object Oriented Design and Analysis will get you farther quicker than any of the other books, especially the Gang of Four book, it is written for people who already know OOA/OOD basics.

fuzzy lollipop
Yeah I think I'll avoid that gand of four, flipped through it at the bookstore and was pretty sure it was over my head. I'll pick up the head First too, though the cover pics are rather disturbing. Those people look like bobble heads. Thanks

Not strictly OOP, but I really liked Head First Design Patterns - - I thought it did a great job of showing the basic concepts and patterns behind OOP so that you end up with a much more fundamental understanding of how and why everything fits together in an OOP language.

It's one of those books that you'll either really enjoy or really hate because of the way the Head First series is written; lots of fluffy examples, lots of cartoony sidebars. But I thought it took a complicated topic and made it very approachable.

=Ryan [email protected]
