



I'm working in an Access 2007 database and need help migrating tables to SQL server. Is this possible to do having only purchased Access 2007 or do I need to download a separate program for SQL? When I try to create a new SQL database or open an existing one through Access, I'm getting a "CREATE DATABASE" or "CREATE TABLE" error and not sure what the issue is. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Yes, you need to install it. There is a free edition of SQL Server, called Sql server express. Database size limit is 4gb. If it suits you go for it. Also, i belive Access has migration tool built in.

Update: In Access 2007 - Database Tools -> Move Data -> Sql Server ( follow the wizard ).

Thanks for the reply. Are you saying I can access SQL Server using the Access 2007 migration wizard as an alternative to downloading SQL Server Express? Or do I need to download SQL Server Express either way?
If you want to use SQL Server, of course you need to install it. It is not like Access (standalone database system). It runs service in background. Procedure I described is for moving data between Access and SQL Server. Before that you need to create database structure, or migrate ( like Gaby described ).

Take a look at the microsoft's SQL Server Migration Assistant 2005 for Access (v4.0) which supports access 97 - 2007
