




I'm rather proud to have produced this Linq assertion on my own:

bool assert1 = (from e in A
               select B.Contains<T>(e, new TComparer()))
               .All(x => x == true);

bool assert2 = (from e in B
               select A.Contains<T>(e, new TComparer()))
               .All(x => x == true);

Assert(assert1 && assert2);

This will check that A and B are equal by containing the same elements i.e. A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A.

Is there a prettier way of doing this?


how about:

Assert.IsTrue(A.SequenceEqual(B, new SomeEqualityComparer()));

following a clarification in a comment I'm adding a sorting of the sequences. Both sequences should contain a same number of elements anyway.

OrderSequence(A).SequenceEqual(OrderSequence(B), new SomeEqualityComparer());

private static IEnumerable<StudentClass> OrderSequence(IEnumerable<StudentClass> left)
    IComparer<StudentClass> comparer = new TComparer();
    return left.OrderBy(a => a, comparer);
Boris Lipschitz
`Enumerable.SequenceEqual(other)` is only true if they are equal as a sequence; i.e., they have an equal number of elements and `A.First()` equals `B.First()` (according to `SomeEqualityComparer`), `A.Skip(1).First()` equals `B.Skip(1).First()` (according to `SomeEqualityComparer`), etc.
Appreciate the effort so I'm reverting your downvote.
+3  A: 

I would do this:

IComparer<T> comparer = new TComparer();
bool equal = !A.Except(B, comparer).Any() && !B.Except(A, comparer).Any();
+2  A: 

What library are you using for assertions? If by any chance it's NUnit, there's a CollectionAssert class with AreEquivalent() method just for this kind of thing.

Linq can be very elegant for collection transformations, but this is exact kind of task, where it takes a huge performance hit if collections are big enough. You would need a temporary Hashtable-based collection (HashSet or Dictionary) with specialized methods to do it fast.

Good point. However, in my special case, the sets are members of objects tested for equality in an MbUnit (==NUnit in syntax, I believe), so the above is checked a few calls up from the actuall assert. The sets are in most cases <10, so I'll take a pretty solution in this case.