




I cant seem to find the old mscorcfg.msc snap in to give .net permission to access a shared network drive. Ive downloaded the Windows SDK 2008 which superseded .NET 2.0 SDK (Where it used to be) but cant find it.

Does anyone know if it has been deprecated? Is there a new way to give .Net permissions to a shared network drive?

+1  A: 

You mention .Net 2.0 briefly, but it's not clear if that's what your targeting. .Net 3.5 sp1 no longer requires special permissions to run from a network share. .Net 2.0 through .Net 3.5 (no sp) do require such permissions.

Joel Coehoorn
Im running 3.5 (SP1) under visual studio 2008. If i try create an MVC project on a network share i get "This project location is not trusted" and if i run it i get "Failed to start monitoring changes to 'Z:\Code\Test\MvcApplication2\MvcApplication2'.
Mark Eggers
Okay. That's an trusted/untrusted thing that you fix in IIS. It's not the same as the code access security system introduced in .net 2.0.
Joel Coehoorn
Do you know where i go to fix that. Im running in the development server. Maybe i need to launch in IIS rather?
Mark Eggers
Sorry, don't know IIS that well.
Joel Coehoorn