



I need a good overview book on SQL server 2005. I'm trying to move from SQL server 2000/DTS to SQL server 2005/SSIS. I've searched around on safari and most books seem to be about a specific part of SQL Server 2005 or a particular principle.

I'm wondering if anyone can specifically recommend a solid book that covers the following areas from the perspective of a software developer.

  • T-SQL / Querying
  • SSIS
  • SSAS [Added]
  • Reporting Services
  • CLR Integration

I want something more than a high level theory or overview but less than an entire book on a single subject. At the same time, I don't want something to "learn SS 2005 from the ground up." I have a solid footing on database development. I just need to fill in the gaps between SS2000 and SS2005. I'm hoping to go though the book pretty quick and then have a solid foundation to know how to use the software package.

I "checked out" Expert SQL Server 2005 Development on Safari. It's a good book but doesn't really cover SQL server 2005 as much as it covers good practices around database development. The fact that I made this mistake is what is prompting me to get some knowledgeable advice.

Note: I've extensively searched SO for questions that are similar enough to answer my question; I've not found anything remotely close to help out. I trust others will find that this is not a duplicate question, also.


I have found this book to be quite good. Unleashed

SQL Server 2005 Unleashed

Vincent Ramdhanie
Extensive. More so than expected. Based on the index, I wish it was a bit more extensive on the SSIS and SSAS areas and less extensive on the T-SQL/Querying aspect of SS2005...
Frank V
What's up with that URL?
Mark Canlas
+1  A: 

I can thoroughly recommend the series of books by Solid Quality Mentors. I've found them to be excellent and covered things in a way and level of detail not done elsewhere (compared to other books I've read).

Amazon links to some of their SQL 2005 books as the above link takes you to a search page (have to search for "Technology: Database"):
Database Essentials
TSQL Programming
TSQL Querying
Query Tuning and Optimisation

The link given leads to no books. Just a web page that says our books and list nothing. It's actually quite funny. :-)
Frank V
Oops sorry! Set the "Technology" dropdown to "Database" and click search!
I appreciate you posting these but all of them are way too focused or beginner. The first one, which I thought to be the most promising is way too basic. It's a "learn SS 2005 from the ground up" book.
Frank V
@Frank - there is a whole range there, I listed most of the SQL 2005 ones. This series of books includes some very advanced stuff, covered in the best amount detail. I recommended them as I personally found a number of them (I don't have them all) spot on as previous "all-in-one" books hadn't been as good. But I see what you mean, if you want something less-focussed.
+1  A: 

I like Vieira's book a lot.

It covers all the areas you seem to need I think.

Steve Haigh
Interestingly enough, that book does not seem to be available on Safari...
Frank V
Just in case you're looking for a specific level of book, Rob Vieira actually has two books on SQL 2005 - a beginners and a professional level book. HTH
+1  A: 

The first three are the best hits. The last two are more pinpointed to one thing.

Programming SQL Server 2005 - O'Reilly -

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005: Applied Techniques Step by Step - Microsoft Press -

Programming Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 - Microsoft Press -

Inside Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005: T-SQL Programming - Microsoft Press -

Introducing Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 for Developers - Microsoft Press -

I think "Programming Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005" is what I'm looking for. I'm likely going to check it out on Safari and start reading it. If the book stand up to it's TOC, it should work. :-)
Frank V
It's hard to find a book that satisfies all your requirements. Too bad you don't have unlimited Safari. I think that would solve your problems. You could try unlimited for a month - not sure if you have to sign up for the year though. Anyways, good luck. Like how Jon Stewart says "YouTube, How I love thee.", I could say the same for Safari (until they don't have a book I want, doh!)
+1  A: 

I know you want a general book, but SSIS is very different from DTS and you really should get a book specific to it, most of the general books just dontl cover the topic well enough for someone who is going to do more than the occasional package. This is the one we used for 2005 both for training and for the day-to-day questions: