<classname="Source" table="source">
<component name="map" access="field">
<map name="parameters" access="field" table="parameters"
cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="true" sort="natural">
<key column="owning_source" not-null="true"
<composite-map-key class="Key">
<key-property name="namespace" column="namekey" length="100" access="field"/>
<key-property name="key" column="subkey" length="100" access="field"/>
<key-property name="index" column="idkey" access="field"/>
<element type="string" column="value" length="512"/>
I am trying to figure the HQL that, given a List will find all the source classes that have all of the keys in the list as parameters.
Something like (pseudo):
select s from Source as s where all index(s.map.parameters) in :keylist