I have the following code
Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim t As DataTable = DirectCast(Session("MyDataTable"), DataTable)
Dim row1 As DataRow = t.NewRow()
If (isUnique(t) And counter < 30) Then
row1("ID") = counter + 1
row1("univirsityID") = ddlUnivs.SelectedValue
row1("majorID") = ddlMajors.SelectedValue
row1("UniName") = ddlUnivs.SelectedItem.Text
row1("MajorName") = ddlMajors.SelectedItem.Text
Session("MyDataTable") = t
GridView1.DataSource = t
lblMsg.Text = "تم اضافة الرغبة"
counter = counter + 1
lblMsg.Text = "سبق لك ادخال الرغبة"
End If
End Sub
The problem is the row1("ID") dose not change it keeps getting the value of 1 for all rows added to datatable any help is appreciated thanks in advance.