I have a macro that I use to receive data from an InputBox and then insert that data into a cell. I am having some formatting issues with the data after the following macro runs.
Sub InsertNotes()
' insertnotes Macro
Dim UserNotes As String
UserNotes = InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter your note below:", Title:="Note input", Default:="Notes")
If UserNotes = "" Then Exit Sub
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Notes").ListRows.Add (1)
ActiveSheet.Range("Notes").Cells(1, 1) = Date
ActiveSheet.Range("Notes").Cells(1, 2) = UserNotes
End Sub
The table cells are formatted to have word-wrap on, but when the notes are inserted into the table the cells are not wrapped. However, if I run the macro again and insert a new note, the previous note that was inserted will show up as wrapped even though nothing has happened to it other then being shifted down a row. Is there something I can do within the code or formatting to get it to wrap properly?