Since you want to obtain a value from the Apache configuration, I guess the only thing you can do is read the file and process it.
Something like (assuming your lives in the same directory as wsgi.conf):
f = open('wsgi.conf', 'r')
LOGIN_URL=[line for line in f.readlines() if 'WSGIScriptAlias' in line][0].split()[1]
Catching an exception if the file is not there might be a good idea too.
Edit after your comment: Ah, I see what you are trying to do. This thread may be helpful in understanding why using os.environ
won't work. The alternative they present won't help you though:
In a nutshell, the apache SetEnv isn't setting values in the process
environment that os.environ represents. Instead SetEnv is setting
values in the context of the WSGI request.
Within your code you can reference that context at request.environ:
def myView(request):
tier = request.environ['TIER']
It's me again. Because of what Apache's SetEnv is doing, I don't think you will have access to the variable in It seems parsing the file is still the only option.
Further Edit: Another alternative - can you base your decision on the host name?
import socket
production_servers = { '': '/trunk...',
'': '/trunk_2...' }
LOGIN_URL=production_servers[ socket.gethostname() ]
This completely sidesteps the information contained in apache configuration.