




Is there a way to retrieve a connection between a mountpoint (a volume which is mounted into the file system instead of mounted to a drive letter) and its belonging physical disk drive(s) with WMI?

For example I have got a volume mountpoint on a W2K8 server which is mounted to “C:\Data\” and the mountpoint is spreaded on the physical disk drives 2, 4, and 5 of the server (the Data Management of the Server Manager shows that) but I cannot find a way to get this to know by using WMI.

Volumes which have got a drive letter can be connected with the WMI-Classes Win32_DiskDrive --> Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition --> Win32_DiskPartition --> Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition --> Win32_LogicalDisk – but the problem is, that volume mountpoints aren’t listed in the class Win32_LogicalDisk, they are only listed in Win32_Volume. And I did not find a way to connect the class Win32_Volume with the class Win32_DiskDrive – there are missing some linking classes.

Does anyone know a solution?


This is similar to my question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2815296/availability-of-win32-mountpoint-and-win32-volume-on-windows-xp

In the sample code (in C#), I link between the Win32_Volume class and the Win32_MountPoint class.
