




As part of my project I need to download a Zipped folder from a remote server and then Unzip it . For unzipping I am using SharpZipLib. My doubt is if I use BinaryReader and BinaryWriter to read and write will my new dll work properly or weather the new dll will get corrupted.

+1  A: 

That classes seems fine to me.

"Currupted" means "some code piece have a bug and I didn't spotted it". So, yes, you can have corruption problems if:

  • Your packing code have a bug
  • Your transmission code have a bug
  • Your unpacking code have a bug

Generally speaking, it's up to you get a corrupted file, or not.

By the way, System.Reflection.Assembly.Load methods in Silverlight:

(...) has a SecurityCriticalAttribute attribute, which restricts it to internal use by the .NET Framework for Silverlight class library. Application code that uses this member throws a MethodAccessException.

So, I hope you have a good plan to deal with that.

Rubens Farias