



How can i label a 3d point cloud dataset? is there a software which can load a text file containing x,y,z values and then visualize it , so that I can label it ?

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A couple 3D graphics packages that come to mind that might help you out.

VTK is an open source 3D Visualization ToolKit. It's been around a long time -- I used for a grad school research project in 1998.

Matplotlib has a relatively new 3D module, if you like python...

Processing has 3D capabilities, if you like java...

can you give me some real uses of VTK..i saw the docs and its scattered with example in Tcl and has wrappers for C++..I want to use it in C++ mainly.where can i find more examples in c++...the doc that come with VTK is just API docs. The kitware's user guide is not easily available.Is there any tutorial page on how to use VTK for C++
It's been 10 years since I've used VTK, but I think we did it in C++. I think the Tcl wraps the C++, not the other way around. I'm assuming you found C++ examples: