



I have an Excel 95 workbook, and I need to convert it into a format that is at least Excel 97, although preferably Excel 2003. I don't want to use office automation as this has all kinds of issues. Is there any way to do this in a .Net managed way?


If this is a single workbook, why not just open it with Excel 2003 and save it?

Charles Williams
This is not a single workbook as I see that I implied with the question. This will be a server-side process that does the file conversion, and it could happen on any number of workbooks.
Mike Gates
OK if you are looking for some .net code that reads xl95 format and spits out xl2003 format then I don't know know to help you.But its hard to tell the difference between an xl95 file and an xl95 file upgraded to xl2003 (there is more of a potential problem when downgrading).
Charles Williams

I could really do with knowing the answer to this too!!

+1  A: 

I have found an application called Gnumeric for Linux and it has an excellent converter program called ssconvert included with it. Best of all, it has a port to Windows so you can use the ssconvert.exe to run this command:

ssconvert c:\OldExcelFile.xls c:\NewExcelFile.xlsx

It automatically figures you want to convert to the new version of Excel from the command line. Much better than the app I was going to pay £1000+ for a server licence!! GNU Free software rocks!!

Download it from:
