I have this XML that I want to be able to pull out the Order#, Item(s), Qty, ItemPrice (Principal, Tax, could be others as well). Here is the XML (see below). What I am having problems with is wiht the ItemPrice. With in it you can 0 to Many Price Components, Tax, Principal Etc. How can I pull those out into a single line output?
Right Now I can get orderNumber, ItemNumber, Qty...but when i pull the Price I get a line for tax and prinicpal.
One other question is what happens if in some instances Tax isn't there? I will get a null reference won't I? I want to try and handle those and just substitute 0. Any suggestions are greatly appreicated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Amount currency="USD">0.15</Amount>
<Amount currency="USD">0.02</Amount>
<Amount currency="USD">0.30</Amount>
<Amount currency="USD">0.04</Amount>
My Code:
XDocument customer = XDocument.Load(@"C:\LinqToXML.xml");
var orders = from amznorders in customer.Root.Elements("Order")
from amznfulfill in amznorders.Elements("Fulfillment")
from amznitems in amznfulfill.Elements("Item")
from amznitemprc in amznitems.Elements("ItemPrice").Elements("Component")
select new
OrderNumber = (string)amznorders.Element("AmazonOrderID"),
ItemNumber = (string)amznitems.Element("AmazonOrderItemCode"),
QTY = (string)amznitems.Element("Quantity"),
//This is where I need help...if type = Principal set PriceAmount else Set PriceTax?//
PriceAmount = (string)amznitemprc.Element("Amount")
//Address1 = (string)address1.Element("Address1")
foreach (var order in orders)
Console.WriteLine("Order: {0} ItemNumber: {1} QTY: {2} PriceAmount: {3} ", order.OrderNumber, order.ItemNumber, order.QTY, order.PriceAmount);