



I'm unable to decide which is a better benchmarking tool-Is it apachebench tool or httperf? Please help me to decide which one would be the most appropriate tool to be chosen for benchmarking the web application.

+1  A: 

They're both good for doing different types of testing. httperf will just send a barage of data to your server, whether or not it's answered. That gives you the breaking point of your app, and shows you how it fails out. Use this to find bottlenecks.

apachebench is a bit different in that it sends exactly what you tell it, and is more typically used to measure response times (for example, if you optimize). Once the bottlenecks are found and fixed, check the speed with this.

Please Note: That's what I do, but I'm not a master

Mike Trpcic
+1  A: 

I suppose it depends on what kind of testing you want to do. ApacheBench basically tests a general load, but httperf gives more a surgical precision and can simulate real user activity.
