




Hi Gurus,

So I am close with this, but when one of the components under my ItemPrice Element (Tax for instance) is missing then my whole Order/Line is not returned. Any thoughts on what I can do if a component like "Tax" is sometimes missing?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.15</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.02</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.30</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.04</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.40</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.15</Amount> 
                      <Amount currency="USD">0.50</Amount> 


XDocument customer = XDocument.Load(@"C:\LinqToXML.xml");

            var orders = from amznorders in customer.Root.Elements("Order")
                         from amznfulfill in amznorders.Elements("Fulfillment")
                         from amznitems in amznfulfill.Elements("Item")
                         from amznitemprc1 in amznitems.Elements("ItemPrice").Elements("Component")
                         from amznitemprc2 in amznitems.Elements("ItemPrice").Elements("Component")
                         let amznitemprinc = amznitemprc1.Element("Amount")
                         where (string)amznitemprc1.Element("Type") == "Principal"
                         let amznitemprtax = amznitemprc2.Element("Amount")
                         where (string)amznitemprc2.Element("Type") == "Tax"
                         select new
                             OrderNumber = (string)amznorders.Element("AmazonOrderID"),
                             ItemNumber = (string)amznitems.Element("AmazonOrderItemCode"),
                             Qty = amznitems == null ? "0" : (string)amznitems.Element("Quantity"),
                             PriceAmount = amznitemprinc == null ? String.Empty : (string)amznitemprinc,
                             TaxAmount = amznitemprtax  == null ? String.Empty : (string)amznitemprtax 

            foreach (var order in orders)
                Console.WriteLine("Order: {0} ItemNumber: {1} QTY: {2}  {3}  {4}", order.OrderNumber, order.ItemNumber, order.Qty,order.PriceAmount,order.TaxAmount);


How about this:

var orders = from amznorders in customer.Root.Elements("Order")
             from amznfulfill in amznorders.Elements("Fulfillment")
             from amznitems in amznfulfill.Elements("Item")
             let amznitemprcs = amznitems.Elements("ItemPrice").Elements("Component").Select(element => new {
                 Type = element.Element("Type").Value,
                 Amount = element.Element("Amount").Value
             select new
                 OrderNumber = amznorders.Element("AmazonOrderID").Value,
                 ItemNumber = amznitems.Element("AmazonOrderItemCode").Value,
                 Qty = amznitems.Element("Quantity").Value,
                 PriceAmount = amznitemprcs.Where(x => x.Type == "Principal").Select(x => x.Amount).FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty,
                 TaxAmount = amznitemprcs.Where(x => x.Type == "Tax").Select(x => x.Amount).FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty,


Order: 105-6982537-6258888 ItemNumber: 13350774331938 QTY: 1  0.15  0.02
Order: 105-6982537-6258888 ItemNumber: 13350774331939 QTY: 2  0.30  0.04
Order: 105-6982537-6259999 ItemNumber: 13350774331940 QTY: 1  0.40  0.15
Order: 105-6982537-6259999 ItemNumber: 13350774331941 QTY: 2  0.50
Mark Byers
I was curious about the performance difference between your solution an mine, so I did a little benchmarking. My solution was marginally faster at 3 seconds versus 4.7 seconds for 1 MILLION iterations. Holy crap, I guess perf is not really an issue for these types of queries.
Darrel Miller

As awesome as Linq can be, I'm not convinced it is the best solution for querying XML documents. Here is a variation that uses a combination of Linq and XPath

var items = from li in doc.XPathSelectElements("/SettlementReport/Order/Fulfillment/Item")
       select new {
         OrderNumber = li.XPathSelectElement("../..").Element("AmazonOrderID").Value,
         ItemNumber = li.Element("AmazonOrderItemCode").Value,
         Quantity = li.Element("AmazonOrderItemCode").Value,
         PriceAmount = li.XPathSelectElement("ItemPrice/Component[Type='Principal']") != null ? li.XPathSelectElement("ItemPrice/Component[Type='Principal']").Element("Amount").Value : string.Empty,
         TaxAmount = li.XPathSelectElement("ItemPrice/Component[Type='Tax']") != null ? li.XPathSelectElement("ItemPrice/Component[Type='Tax']").Element("Amount").Value : string.Empty
Darrel Miller