Is Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Scriptable? I've heard people mention it was "officially scriptable" but I can't find any reference to its scriptable object set.
Has anyone had any experience scripting AME?
Is Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Scriptable? I've heard people mention it was "officially scriptable" but I can't find any reference to its scriptable object set.
Has anyone had any experience scripting AME?
I had a similar question about Soundbooth.. I haven't tried scripting Adobe Media Encoder though, it doesn't show up in the list of applications I could potentially connect to and script with the ExtendScript Toolkit.
I did find this article that might come in handy if you're on a Windows. I guess using something similar written in AppleScript could do the job on a OSX. I haven't tried it, but this Sikuli thing looks nice, maybe it could help with the job.
Adobe Media Encoder doesn't seem to be scriptable. I was wondering, for batch converting, could you use ffmpeg ? There seem to be a few scripts out there for that, if you google for ffmpeg batch flv.
HTH, George