




Is Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Scriptable? I've heard people mention it was "officially scriptable" but I can't find any reference to its scriptable object set.

Has anyone had any experience scripting AME?

+1  A: 

I had a similar question about Soundbooth.. I haven't tried scripting Adobe Media Encoder though, it doesn't show up in the list of applications I could potentially connect to and script with the ExtendScript Toolkit.

I did find this article that might come in handy if you're on a Windows. I guess using something similar written in AppleScript could do the job on a OSX. I haven't tried it, but this Sikuli thing looks nice, maybe it could help with the job.

Adobe Media Encoder doesn't seem to be scriptable. I was wondering, for batch converting, could you use ffmpeg ? There seem to be a few scripts out there for that, if you google for ffmpeg batch flv.

HTH, George

George Profenza
Thanks! That artcile is for the Flash media encoder and the technique was basically to shove keystroke events at it. I was hoping for something a little more robust! :-)
I tried to open the app from Terminal, not much help, just reading something about memory leaks :)<2961879040> <ProcessCoordinationClient> <5> Attempting to launch processcoordinationsserver<2961879040> <ProcessCoordinationClient> <5> /Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CS4/processcoordinationserver.app2010-01-31 02:24:40.474 Adobe Media Encoder CS4[3543:9607] *** _NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x2f3cd5e0 of class NSThread autoreleased with no pool in place - just leakingStack: (0x93aaa73f 0x939b6e32 0x939bcb94 0x64e928b 0x651f2e6 0x3ac670 0x443d4a 0x42ff7e 0x3a9fb9 0x90a09095 0x90a08f52)
George Profenza
Just had a quick look on the adobe website. there is no forum for AME, and it is also missing from the [devnet scripting][1] page. I've downloaded and scanned briefly the After Effects scripting manual and found nothing about sending files to AME yet.[1]:http://www.adobe.com/devnet/scripting/
George Profenza