




I'm almost ready to use Magento (which is built upon Zend Framework, which i know) and i'm looking for a good book covering setup, config, best practices, creating templates, development, etc.

Do you have any to recommend ?

I found some which look insteresting :

Any feedbacks on those one ?

+4  A: 

To get started with development, this is a good read: http://www.magentoo.com/pub/magento-ebook-en.pdf

I wish I discovered this before I started development! The Magento Forums and Wiki are not a great place to learn the basics of development and customization.

+2  A: 

Packt publishers have some decent Magento books.

I bought Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide last week, and like it so far. It's definitely more up-to-date and complete than php|architect's Guide to Programming Magento

Martijn Heemels
php|architect's Guide to Programming Magento helped, but I'll look for Magento 1.3 as well
Elzo Valugi

I have Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide from PacktPub

Unfortunately, it reads as though as its never seen an editor. The english is difficult to read, there are spelling and grammatical errors, and the code examples are often inconsistent with the text.

It looks like a first set of draft notes for a book, but shouldn't have been released as the finished article.

Roger Coathup

We have some training videos with practical examples

