I need to copy data from one database to another using a VB.NET program. The target database is SQL Server the source database is some proprietary ODBC compliant database.
I need to loop through a list of table to copy. Read the data from the source database table for a given modified date. Delete the corresponding date from the target database table and insert the records from the source table. The databases are of the same structure i.e. table names and field names, but the data types may differ (however they are compliant e.g. double in source, float in target). No primary keys exist.
Heres how I may do it :
Firstly execute a Delete command to the target. I could then use a DataReader to obtain data from the source, loop through the Items and create an Insert Command for each row. Add Parameters to the Command with the appropriate values and execute. And wrap the whole thing in a Transaction.
I was just wondering if I am missing a trick here. Any Suggestions