I have a Canvas inside a ScrollViewer. I want to have the user to be able to grab the canvas and move it around, with the thumbs on the scrollbars updating appropriately.
My initial implementation calculates the offset on each mouse move, and updates the scrollbars:
// Calculate the new drag distance
Point newOffsetPos = e.GetPosition(MapCanvas);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" newOffsetPos : " + newOffsetPos.X + " " + newOffsetPos.Y);
double deltaX = newOffsetPos.X - _offsetPosition.X ;
double deltaY = newOffsetPos.Y - _offsetPosition.Y ;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" delta X / Y : " + deltaX + " " + deltaY);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" sv offsets X / Y : " + _scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset + " " + _scrollViewer.VerticalOffset);
_scrollViewer.ScrollToHorizontalOffset(_scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset - deltaX);
_scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(_scrollViewer.VerticalOffset - deltaY);
_offsetPosition = newOffsetPos;
While this works, it is not very smooth.
Is there a better way to do this? If Transforms are used, will the scrollbars update automagically when the Canvas is moved?
Thanks for any tips...