



I'm on a project to create a skills matrix for about 200 people and am hoping to not have to reinvent the wheel. Users will fill out and maintain their skill proficiencies using yes/no and radio or combo inputs. Skills are grouped by category (Technical, Web, Creative/Social).

It needs to be easily searchable, and being relatively pretty would be nice. Elgg seems like a good start with the profile_manager module, but the search isn't there. SugarCRM with a custom module is closer, but search and edit are kludgy because the pages would be really long (tabbed Category subpanels on edit and search would actually make it ideal).

Are there any good Drupal solutions for this? CiviCRM with custom fields maybe? I've got some experience with PHP and don't mind getting my hands dirty if there's something close that I can just lightly customize. Thanks!

+1  A: 

Drupal with Views, CCK, VotingAPI. This will do your trick. You can manage the skill using the Taxonomy.

As @sprugman pointed out, use the Content Profile, together with CCK you can customize the profile page at will.

The hard part with Drupal is the theme customization, but reuse a free one or purchase a new one, you can build your site quickly.

one note on this: don't use the built-in profile module - it kind of sucks. Instead, use content profile

Ditto Drupal + Content Profile.

You may also want to use for putting each set of skills (fieldgroups) on different tabs as you mention.

Not sure exactly what you mean for the search UI though. Views' exposed filters might be what you need, to build a specific search/filtering for this content type. You can use this to turn the exposed filters into checkboxes for those fields:

Better exposed filters made it all make sense for search. With content profile, I create a content type for each skill category. This will display as tabs when managing info. For the search, I use multiple view pages, with each view searching a different skill category.If I could expose a search filter with the greater than operator but display it to the user as a list (e.g. at least Intermediate skill in video editing), it'd be perfect. As it is, this is very usable though. Thanks to all three of you!