




So I don't know how to exactly word it, but here it goes. Right now my Application can pull the information about the User's from the XML without problem. Sample XML:

<statuses type="array">
  <text>Text That I want to pull 1</text>
  <text>Text That I want to pull 2</text>

Which the Screen_name tag gets pulled into a listbox. And here's the code that pulls the information in which it gets user's detail's:

    private void listBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Load the temp file
        var doc = XDocument.Load("Temp.xml");

        var setting = doc.Descendants("user").First(a => a.Element("screen_name").Value == listBox1.Text);

        //Variables for information from XML
        var Location = setting.Element("location").Value;
        var Description = setting.Element("description").Value;
        var Screen_name = setting.Element("name").Value;

        //Info Pulled from "temp.xml"
        location.Text = "Location: "+Location;
        Username.Text = "Name: " + Screen_name;
        descriptionBox.Text = "Description: "+Description;

and All i want now is the text tag also, and I'm just having a terrible time figuring it out.

+1  A: 

I ran your code without any problems. You should to check:

  • Is your listBox1.Text value correct?
  • Are you trying to acess that Temp.xml in correct path?
  • Are you sure your Temp.xml is well-formed (it's missing a </statuses>); Try to open it into your IE.

EDIT: Try this:

var text = setting.Parent.Element("text").Value;
Rubens Farias
Sorry I guess I posed my Question wrong, I also want to pull the text tag, but I cant seem to pull it right with what I'm working with.
Ah thank you, exactly what I need.