Is there anything like C++s safe casts in Objective-C?
I know that they are in Objective C++, but I am unsure about possible side effects. Using Objective C++ may slow compilation time - are there any other reasons not to use it?
Is there anything like C++s safe casts in Objective-C?
I know that they are in Objective C++, but I am unsure about possible side effects. Using Objective C++ may slow compilation time - are there any other reasons not to use it?
Which feature of C++ do you think will help you cast a 64-bit long
to a 32-bit int
You can turn on compiler flags to warn you in cases like this. This particular mistake would be caught by the -Wconversion flag.
Objective-c does have C++ safe casts. Alternatively, we can use runtime reflection:
id myOb=[someObject getObject];
NSAssert([myOb isKindOfClass:[MyClass class]], @"Return value is not of type MyClass as expected.");
MyClass * newOb= (MyClass *)myOb;