



I have created a PDF with Adobes LifeCycle and added some forms and a button to send the formdata to a php-script. On the serverside i grab the postdata and store them into a database. No problem so far, but the Adobe Reader now complains about an error something to do with the content of the text/html type.

Here is the error message in german:

Beim Senden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Inhalt des Typs text/html kann nicht verarbeitet werden.

and in english:

An error occurred during the submit process. Cannot process content of type text/html.

Do i have to write some data in the output of the php-script so the reade knows everthing is okay?


I've found the solution, i have to set the content-type to application/pdf and read out a thank-you pdf :). Now the Adobe Reader stops complaining and i have a kind of feedback to the user...
