



is there a way to use the a.vim plugin to switch between .h, .cxx and .txx files? Alternatively, can you provide another solution? The idea is to automagically switch from .h -> .txx -> .cxx at the press of a key.

A Big Thanks to both of you!

+1  A: 

IIRC, with the latest versions of alternate, there is an option that tells the preferred extensions to use. Did you have a look in the doc/first comment lines of the plugin?

Luc Hermitte
I had a quick look, but it seems to always alternate between two types of files, not cycle through more.
No, as I understand it, it's about the next file to open. cpp -> h/hpp/... ; h -> c/cpp/... However, the first opened file found will be used. That's to say, you may have to open all your file before you see any cycle.
Luc Hermitte
+1  A: 

Look for the lines in a.vim that contain AddAlternateExtensionMapping. The first argument is the extension of the current file, the second is a list of extensions of the file you'd like to switch to with :A. They are listed in order of preference. In your case, you'd have to set it up so that it would go in a cycle.

call <SID>AddAlternateExtensionMapping('h', 'txx,cxx')
call <SID>AddAlternateExtensionMapping('txx', 'cxx,h')
call <SID>AddAlternateExtensionMapping('cxx', 'h,txx')

So now you go from .h to .txx if it exists or .cxx if it doesn't.
