



Lately I've had to do a bit of programming in VB .NET. It hasn't been too difficult, but the lack of proper documentation or good tutorials has been annoying me. I'm used to finding a lot of relevant info when I google a programming question, or term, or method name - but it's been more difficult with VB .NET. Anyone know of any good tutorial/documentation sites for VB .NET?

+4  A: 

I haven't really had any problems finding info for VB .Net, but you could also try searching the same things in C#.

These sites never fail to give me adequate VB documentation and tutorials:



+1 for MSDN, -1 for CodeProject, = 0 votes
Greg D
Why -1 for CodeProject?
@greg code project is a pretty good site, imho. You mistaking it for something else? At least give up your gripes, it'd be informative.
I'm with Greg on this one. The quality of the code at CodeProject is questionable at best.
Keith Rousseau
@Will: I've seen some useful things on codeproject, it's true, but the vast number of articles with questionable, or just plain wrong, content more than outweigh the benefit of the site imho. The number of times I've seen some awful bit of production code and, on a lark, googled it to find it as a direct copy-paste from codeproject is frighteningly large. Any concepts, ideas, or content retrieved from code project should be fact-checked against an authoritative source. It's like the wikipedia of the software world, but less reliable.
Greg D
(The worst part is that the people who need exposure to good content the most are those who are *least* likely to be able to distinguish between a good codeproject article and a bad one. This is why I never suggest it as a resource of first-resort.)
Greg D
@greg good point.
+1  A: 

Visual Basic Developer Center

VB.NET Heaven

Developer Fusion VB.NET tutorials

These are all excellent resources - but I suggest you pick up a book on the subject.

MSDN is also an excellent source of info.

Daniel May
I don't think I'll be working in it long enough to be worth it to really do heavy reading on it... I was looking more for quick referencing ideas. But once we're on the topic, what book would you suggest - a book that's simple, thorough, and assumes you already have a strong programming core?
Pro VB.NET and the .NET 3.5 Platform is an excellent book to pick up when it comes to moving from languages - it's both thorough, easy to follow and yet it isn't too dumbed down (hence the "pro"). Like pretty much every book out there it has an introduction to VB.NET - but I'm sure you can skip any chapter you find irrelevant or too easy.
Daniel May