Hi everyone.
I have a Powershell script that calls sqlcmd to run a sql script that backs up a database:
function RunSqlScriptWithErrorMessage
param([string]$sqlServer, [string]$sqlUserName, [string]$sqlPassword, [string]$scriptName, [string]$errorMessage)
$commandName = "sqlcmd"
$startInfo = New-Object Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo($commandName)
$startInfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$startInfo.Arguments = "-S $sqlServer -U $sqlUserName -P $sqlPassword -i `"${sqlScriptName}`""
$process = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($startInfo)
$exitCode = $process.ExitCode
if($exitCode -ne 0 ) { throw $errorMessage}
The strange thing is that process.ExitCode == 1 even though the back up is successful. Any ideas why this would be - shouldn't the exitcode be 0 if successful?