




Here's a coldfusion bug that I can't figure out where to even start debuging....

On DEV, I have CF7, and use CFFILE to upload, and rename a file... Uploaded Images etc...

Now I deployed on Prod with CF9 and all image uploads don't work and are not erroring. Any ideas what could be wrong? Permission? Is there even a way to debug this bec CF isn't spitting out errors.



+2  A: 

Things to check:

  • Do you have try/catch around the upload?
  • Is there any errors in the server logs?
  • Where are you uploading to?
  • Can you create a very simple test page and get cffiles to work?
Also check what path `GetTempDirectory()` returns and if the CF service has write permission there.
Tomalak, how do I see if it has write permission? CFFILE upload something?
@Jason, for some strange reason the TRY/CATCH isn't picking anything up. And the files aren't getting to the set directory in CFUPLOAD
if you are using variables for any of the attributes in your cffile tag then I would output those variables and make sure they are what you expect. Also, try to hard code the correct values and see if that works.
+1  A: 

Whenever I see issues with files not being written properly it's almost always a permissions issue. Specifically, that the account the ColdFusion (or JRUN.EXE) service is running under does not have permission to write to the desired resource.

Don't run CF under the SYSTEM account. Create a special user account that has the permissions needed and run CF under that. (Don't run CF under an Administrator account, either.)

Al Everett
How do I figure out which account has CF or JRUN running under?
Need to look in Task Manager.
Al Everett