I've written a little VBScript program to query the page file usage under Windows XP (eventually 2003/2008 Server as well) but the figures I seem to be getting are bizarre.
This is the program:
Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
for i = 1 to 10
Set qry1 = wmi.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_PageFileSetting")
Set qry2 = wmi.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_PagingFile")
initial = 0
maximum = 0
For Each obj in qry1
initial = initial + obj.InitialSize
maximum = maximum + obj.MaximumSize
For Each obj in qry2
if obj.Name = "_Total" then
Wscript.Echo _
" Initial size: " & initial & _
" Maximum size: " & maximum & _
" Percent used: " & obj.PercentUsage & _
end if
qry1 = none
qry2 = none
WScript.sleep (1000)
which outputs:
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
Initial size: 1512 Maximum size: 3024 Percent used: 21354
The doco on MSDN states:
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
DisplayName ("% Usage")
CounterType (537003008)
DefaultScale (0)
PerfDetail (200)
Percentage of the page file instance in use. For more information,
see the PageFileBytes property in Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process.
Now that seems pretty straight-forward. Why is my 3G page file using 21000% of it's allocated space? That would be about 630G but pagefile.sys
is only about 1.5G (and my entire hard disk is only 186G).
When I get the same field from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_PagingFile
, I get a more reasonable value of 5 but that still doesn't seem to coincide with Task Manager, which shows 1.06G usage out of the 3G maximum.