I'm looking for a command line tool (or Perl module or VIM script or whatever) that will take some input files (such as XML or JavaScript files) and format them in HTML. I specifically want my output not to contain stuff like <span style="color: red">
or <font color=red>
according to a particular colour scheme, rather it should use CSS class names to mark up the different syntactic parts of the file.
For example, if I had this file as input:
function f(x) {
return x + 1;
the kind of output I would like is:
<pre><span class=keyword>function</span> <span class=ident>f</span><span class=punc>{</span>
<span class=keyword>return</span> <span class=ident>x</span> <span class=op>+</span> <span class=numliteral>1</span><span class=punc>;</span>
<span class=punc>}</span></pre>
Does anyone know of such a tool?
Something like VIM's 2html.vim script, but outputting class="" attributes with the syntax highlight group names (like "Constant", "Identifier", "Statement", etc.) would be ideal.