
It would be helpful if you show your code, but anyways, if you are dynamically creating a picture box, you can add a code like .Click += your method name. This is more help about dynamically adding an event to the control when adding them

Hope it helps

thanks LakhlaniPrashant...but i Wrote that line on my code... the problem is which picture box got clicked.... inthat Click event i have to pass that particular image to Next form's picturebox... how do i!!!
+2  A: 

The "sender" in the event handler will be the picture box that got clicked:

private void PictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    PictureBox senderAsPictureBox = sender as PictureBox;
    //this is the picture box that got clicked

    int imageid = 1;
    ClsProperty.ImageId = imageid;
    fd2 = new frmImageDisplay(imageid, ClsProperty.ipaddress);
Eric Dahlvang
Hey Its useful for Me ... I got the Output ... Thanx Yar..

thanks LakhlaniPrashant... but i Wrote that line on my code... the problem is which picture box got clicked.... inthat Click event i have to pass that particular image to Next form's picturebox... how do i!!! – Suryakavitha 0


Ok, I think it's easy, the first argument of event is always object sender, cast it to the picture box object and read the ID property, and you can move forward with your problem!

Hey I got The Correct output....Its Very useful For Me... Thanks Yar...