For experienced Lisp users, the nesting level is more important than find closing parentheses. Putting closing parentheses on their own lines does not really help with nesting levels.
The basic idea is that the parentheses are directly AROUND their contents.
and not
What follows is this:
(defun foo (bar)
(foo (bar (baz
(defun foo (bar)
(foo (bar (baz ...) ...) ...))
One of the basic ideas when editing Lisp text is, that you can select a list by (double-) clicking on the parentheses (or by using a key command when the cursor is inside the expression or on the parentheses). Then you can cut/copy the expression and paste it into another position in some other function. Next step is to select the other function and
re-indent the function. Done. There is no need to remove or introduce new lines for for closing parentheses. Just paste and re-indent. It just fits in. Otherwise you would either waste time formatting the code, or you would need to re-format the code with some editor tool (so that closing parentheses are on their own lines. Most of the time it that would create additional work and hinders moving code around.
There is one occasion where experienced Lispers would sometime write closing parentheses on their own line:
(defvar *persons*
(list (make-person "fred")
(make-person "jane")
(make-person "susan)
Here it indicates that new persons can be added. Place the cursor directly before the second closing parentheses on the last line, press c-o (open line), add the clause and indent the parentheses that they are aligned again. This saves the 'trouble' to find the right parentheses and then press return, when all parentheses are closed on one line.