


Response example for MD5 hash found, for example :


Response for MD5 hash *not* found, for example :

    No value in MD5 database for this hash.

Response for MD5 hash *not* found, for example :

    The string provided is not a true MD5 hash. Please try again.

Okay I'm just learning how to use SimpleXML. I'm running a script to run similar API's from different sites, but this is different. I'm not sure how I would use PHP to echo the error if it were an error or the string if it were a success. The API's I'm using now have just have true or false but its still the same hierarchy no matter the result.

For example;hash=notanactualhashandwillnotbefound That hash will not be found.;hash=098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 That hash will return "test"

As you can see the hierarchy will be the same, and thus easy to parse and echo

+1  A: 

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but you simply load the URL to SimpleXml and access the nodes by regular object notation, e.g.


The example below will load the XML from the URL and output the error if it exists and if not it will output the string node.

$baseUrl = '';
$hashes  =  array('2a0231531bc1a7fc29e2fa8d64352ae9',
                  'not a hash');

foreach($hashes as $hash) {

    // load the XML from the URL
    $dom = simplexml_load_file($baseUrl . $hash);

    if($dom->error) {
        echo $dom->error;
    } else {
        echo $hash, ' : ', $dom->string;

    echo PHP_EOL; // linebreak
Oh right, I didn't think of that, not sure why. Thanks for the help, Gordon. :)