Coding standards can certainly help, especially if backed by continuous integration and/or source control check-in policies.
First, define standards and get the team to agree on them (management breaks ties).
Second, use automated tools (preferably with IDE hooks) to handle code formatting.
Third, use automated static analysis tools to check compliance. These can go beyond validating formatting and check code complexity metrics, naming conventions, best practices, etc. The better ones can be customized to match your team's rules. If possible look for ones that allow suppressing inappropriate warnings via metadata (such as attributes). Most rules have exceptions, and you want to hide the "noise" of false positives.
Fourth, integrate the static analysis with your source/revision control system so that it's run on check-in. Some systems permit rejecting check-ins that do not pass policies. Another option (not mutually exclusive) is to set up a continuous integration server that auto-builds on check-in; it can run static analysis and notify all developers on any failures.