"in the C world, a function can return error code to represent the exit status, and use INOUT/OUT parameter to carry the actual fruit of the process"
Consider an exit status to be a hack. It's not a C-ism, it's a Linux-ism. C functions return exactly one value. C doesn't have exceptions, so there are several ways to indicate failure, all pretty bad.
Exception handling is what's needed. Python and Java have this, and they don't need exit status.
OS's however, still depend on exit status because shell scripting is still very primitive and some languages (like C) can't produce exceptions.
Consider in/out variables also to be a hack. This is a terrible hack because the function has multiple side-effects in addition to returning a value.
Both of these "features" aren't really the best design patterns to follow.
Ideally, a function is "idempotent" -- no matter how many times you call it, you get the same results. In/Out variables break idempotency in obscure, hard-to-debug ways.
You don't really need either of these features, that's why you don't see many best practices for implementing them.
The best practice is to return a value or raise an exception. If you need to return multiple values you return a tuple. If things didn't work, you don't return an exit status, you raise an exception.
Update. Since the remote process is basically RSH to run a remote command, you should do what remctl
You need to mimic: http://linux.die.net/man/1/remctl precisely. You have to write a Python client and server. The server returns a message with a status code (and any other summary, like run-time). The client exits with that same status code.