+1  A: 

The "Text Editing" and "Indentation" preference sections might have the settings you seek.

You can set "Automatically suggest" to "never".

A reasonable guess, but I haven't found anything in those panels that will affect the code completion.
Setting "Automatically Suggest" to "never" gets rid of *all* code completions, including variables and methods and all of that good stuff that I use on a regular basis `:(`
What about setting it to "with delay"? You can also use F5, alt-esc or "^," to get the completion list.
@outis: I appreciate the suggestion. I've become so dependent on the instant auto-complete for variable and method names that even a short delay or another keystroke would drive me nuts. I just type something like NSDi<tab> without even thinking about it. I know I'm being picky here. My purpose in asking the question was to squeeze out the last 2% of extra productivity that could be had by fine-tuning.
I'm with you on not having a delay. I only suggested it because it would be less distasteful to you than switching to the 1TBS. Fortunately, it looks like the other question has a complete solution.
+2  A: 

You can override any of the existing code completions, copy any of the .xtcmacro files from:


(you'll have to right-click on Xcode.app and say "Show Package Contents" to proceed further down the directory chain unless you are using Terminal)

into a local directory:

~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Specifications

(You'll probably have to make the Specifications directory). Then simply go through all of the definitions in there, to eliminate an annoying completion you can take out the CompletionPrefix for any entry, or edit the code to be inserted to work how you like.

On a side note, you can put any file named .xctxtmacro and put it in that specifications directory and it will be read in, allowing you to define some very useful custom macros.

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
That looks promising. Will the original .xctxtmacro files in the `Xcode.app/contents` reappear when I upgrade Xcode later on down the line?
Yes, in fact you should not move them out of XCode, just copy them over into Specifications as any changes you make will override them... when you upgrade XCode you'll stll be overriding all those settings, but they don't change often. It would still be better to override specific entries that are bothering you and not override anything else (delete from the files you have in specifications).
Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
+1  A: 

Does the information here help?


It looks like that article makes the same suggestions as Kendall Helmstetter Gelner did in his answer (unless I'm missing something extra). It *is* a good article, though, so thank you for posting it. +1
From the article, I used this for my setup (in Terminal.app):defaults write com.apple.Xcode XCCodeSenseFormattingOptions '{ "PreExpressionsSpacing" = "" ; "BlockSeparator" = "\n" ; }'