



Apart from the archetypical code-review checklist, what are some good places to use checklists in software engineering?

+1  A: 

My day-job has a checklist that walks through items needed before, and after development.

So a checklist to ensure that all documentation is there to meet the standards, then a checklist to affirm that all changes have been tracked/recorded according to the standard.

It isn't perfect, but does help in some cases.

Mitchel Sellers
+2  A: 

The Braidy Tester has a truly evil checklist of testing edge cases, including:

  • Verify correct handling of file access via UNC
  • Low memory
  • Pen and Speech Input
Tom Ritter
That is the test plan from Hell. Kudos to Microsoft for being so thorough -- I'll be applying a subset of that to my own work. (Some items just aren't appropriate for my apps, as those are obviously geared toward document-centric apps.)
John Rudy
+2  A: 

Code-review checklists are concerned with development issues (robust, scalable, extensible, requirement-compliance, ...)

But you can define checklists for other issues of software engineering, especially when you need to release what you are coding.

In that case, a:

+1  A: 
  • Test check list
  • Deployment check list
  • New developer that came inside a team check list (what he should read about the current project, create account on CMS, email, etc)
  • UML checklist when we are done creating a graph.

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