



How do you add an element to a List in Scala 2.7.5, without creating a new List and without using a deprecated solution.

+2  A: 

The += method on a list is deprecated because it adds an element to the tail, which is expensive. The least expensive way of adding an element to a list is to add to the head using ::=.

So the deprecation warning is a subtle hint that you should redesign your program to work by prepending instead of appending:

scala> var l = List(1, 2, 3)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)

scala> l ::= 4

scala> l
res1: List[Int] = List(4, 1, 2, 3)

(Note that ::= and += on a var are not real methods, but sugar for l = l :: elem, etc)

Ben James
But is `l` still the same list? Also you are prepending, not appending.
Of course `l` is not the same list, lists are immutable.
Ben James
Well then you did not answer the question :)
Often the real solution to the underlying problem is not a direct answer to the original question.
Ben James
@leppie The questions asks how one adds an element. The question title mentions append. So he answered the question, though not the title. :-)
@Daniel: No, he asked how to do it without creating a new list.
leppie, if you are aware of how Scala's syntactic sugar allows apparently mutable-style operations on immutable objects that are vars, then it makes sense to interpret that part of the question as "without *explicitly* creating a new list". And in case he/she wasn't aware of that, I have mentioned it too.
Ben James
+4  A: 

It's worth pointing out that List has a very specific meaning in scala, which is not equivalent to the java.util.List interface. List is a sealed, abstract class representing a recursive data-structure which has a head and a tail. (There do exist Java list-like structures in scala, some of which are mutable.)

Scala's Lists are immutable; modifying a list in any way is not possible, although you can create a new list be prepending to an existing one (which gives a new object back). Even though they are immutable, the structure is no more expensive in terms of object creation than, say, appending to a java.util.LinkedList

The + method has been deprecated for good reason because it is inefficient; instead use:

val newList = theList ::: List(toAppend)

I suppose a different way would be to prepend with 2 reversals:

val newList = (toAppend :: theList.reverse).reverse

I doubt this is any more efficient! In general, if I want append behaviour, I use prepend and then reverse (at the point of needing to access the list):

val newList = toAppend :: theList
//much later! I need to send the list somewhere...
target ! newList.reverse
This is an argumentation, why the question might be a bad one. But it doesn't answer the question.
Jens Schauder
It exactly answers the question. The questioner has asked how to add to a list without creating a new list. This is impossible! Perhaps you should expand on why you have downvoted my (correct) answer
Jens, to apply your own reasoning, you have not answered the question either since it asks how to append to a `List`, not a `LinkedList` or `ListBuffer`, neither of which derive from `List`. (Yet your answer is still useful.)
Ben James
+1  A: 

This should do it:

Or this:

The basic trick is to use a mutable List (or class with similiar functionality)

Jens Schauder
+8  A: 

You could use a ListBuffer, which provides constant time append:

val buffer = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
buffer += 1
buffer += 2
val list = buffer.toList
Fabian Steeg
+2  A: 

Non deprecated way of appending an element to a List in Scala 2.7.5?

That does not exist, and it will never exist.

How do you add an element to a List in Scala 2.7.5, without creating a new List and without using a deprecated solution.

Use :::

val newList = element :: oldList

Or, if list is a var,

list ::= element

It does not create a new List (though, it creates a new ::, also known as cons), and it adds an element to it.

If you want to append elements to a sequence without creating a new sequence, use a mutable data structure.
