If the ID you refer to is a unique reference that you use, then pass this back and forth between Paypal and your site using the item_number
Set the ID in the HTML form you show to your customer and note you can also specify 3 URLs:
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Box of stuff"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="12345"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="http://www.blah.com/paypal_thanks.asp"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="http://www.blah.com/paypal_callback.asp"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="http://www.blah.com/paypal_cancel.asp"></input>
Where I have used "paypal_callback.asp" above, this overrides the IPN link which you can set up when you log into Paypal and edit your settings. So this value is optional.
The scrpt paypal_callback.asp (assuming written in ASP) can then just say:
iAdvertId = Request.Form("item_number")
Note that this page is not the one shown to the user! It is hit by Paypals servers behind the scenes. The annoying thing is that paypal_callback.asp will not get called by Paypal immediately. It might be 3 days later...or they might hit it a month later to retract a payment.
The customer will get redirected to either paypal_thanks.asp or paypal_cancel.asp in my example. These pages will not be passed a form or querystring, so the only way to get hold of the number you places in item_number
is to also store it in a cookie BEFORE the user submits the form to purchase.
When you get the email from Paypal, the item_number
will be mentioned in the subject line, and within the mail body too (on the end of the Description line).
It is also possible to set additional information in custom fields. The Paypal documentation details how to do this, and you can test it with their IPN simulator in the sandbox.