I'm trying to create a basic grails domain object and for one of the fields I want to use an array of Strings. However even after running grails generate-views I still don't see the ability to edit said array. Am I going about this wrong?
If you run 'grails install-templates' you can edit src/templates/scaffolding/renderEditor.template which is where the HTML generation for editors is defined. Add in a new "else if" for String[]:
else if (property.type == String[].class)
out << renderStringArrayEditor(domainClass, property)
and implement renderStringArrayEditor however you think best:
private renderStringArrayEditor(domainClass, property) {
I have no idea what HTML to use, but I might go with a textarea and split on \n. Whatever you decide on, you'll need to convert the input parameter to a String array in your controller methods.
If you're already run 'grails generate-all' or 'grails generate-views' you'll need to run 'grails generate-views' to regenerate your GSPs with the new editor.
Burt Beckwith
2010-02-09 05:40:44
I think I'll try this out. It may be that I'm doing the wrong thing here, but hey, I'm still learning this framework. Thx.
2010-02-09 16:23:37
Turns out that I ended up not doing it this way, but rather taking Phillpe's advice. So I created a separate object that represents a "feature" and got it working. I really didn't want to mess with the renderEditor.template file, although now I understand a whole lot more about how Grails works on the backend.
2010-02-10 15:59:45