



Hi, i got some xaml here and what i m trying to do it's simply bind a property call Property (not the real name) on the width of a rectangle and to convert the value of this property with the converter name Conv and it's working perfectly with {TemplateBinding Property} or DataContext={TemplateBinding Property} or with a relative source (like in the code sample).

My problem is that the converterParameter should also be a binding property, but i m not able to bind any property in the converterParameter. So the 30 in the sample should be something like {Binding Path=SecondProperty}. If anyone got that problem or maybe if anyone got some other way to bind stuff in custom control thanks a lot ;)

  <Style TargetType="controls:Ctr">
    <Setter Property="Template">
        <ControlTemplate TargetType="controls:Ctr">
              <controls:Converter x:Name="Conv" />
            <Rectangle x:Name="rect" Width="{Binding Path=Property, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Converter={StaticResource Conv}, ConverterParameter=30}" Height="20" />

You can add a property to the Converter class and bind to that.

Michael S. Scherotter
Its an interesting idea. If it works you really should flesh this answer out. The Converter would need to be a `FrameworkElement`, the property would need to be a dependency property. It would still remain to be seen whether its possible to use the `RelativeSource` binding in a Resource dictionary like this. I can't think why not.
That's not true. The converter doesn't need to be framework element, just a CLR class.
Michael S. Scherotter

You can't bind to a property of the Binding object, since it isn't a DependencyProperty in fact Binding isn't a DependencyObject. This is understandable can you imagine the complexity of managing dependency trees and the possiblity of recursive or circular bindings in bindings.

However you could use a Specialised converter for the task:-

public class MySpecialConverter: IValueConverter

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        Ctr obj = (Ctr)value;
        var val = obj.Property;
        var param = obj.SecondProperty;
        // Do your intended code with val and param here.

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException("This converter only works for one way binding");

now your Xaml looks like:-

<Rectangle x:Name="rect" Height="20"
  Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Converter={StaticResource Conv}" />

It's a really good solution but it's not working bcs my first property must be bind (twoWay) because if i got any change on it the converter must convert again the value so i get the result back and show the real result.

David Fortin

It's a really good solution but it's not working bcs my first property must be bind (twoWay) because if i got any change on it the converter must convert again the value so i get the result back and show the real result.

David Fortin

Anyone got any other solutions?

David Fortin