



Please let me know if this should be on Server Fault...

I've got some code I want to compile which requires arm-elf-gcc. I'm not an embedded programmer, so all this is new to me. My development machine is a Mac and I use fink pretty often, so I'd love to be able to install it that way. However, fink doesn't know of any package with that name. I see that has some binaries for OS X but their packages seem to also include a bunch of stuff (e.g. gcc) I already have. Am I correct in believing that I need to install binutils, newlib and a file called t-arm-elf?

+2  A: 

MacPorts supports arm-elf-gcc.

$ port search arm-elf
arm-elf-binutils @ (cross, devel)
    FSF Binutils for arm-elf cross development

arm-elf-gcc @4.3.2 (cross, devel)
    gcc cross-compilers for arm-elf, with newlib runtime library.

arm-elf-gcc3 @3.4.6 (cross, devel)
    gcc 3.x cross-compilers for arm-elf, with newlib runtime library.

Found 3 ports.

Once you install MacPorts, all it would take is:

$ sudo port install arm-elf-gcc
Ok, thanks. Can MacPorts and Fink play nice together?
I've never tried fink, but macports puts everything in /opt/local and updates PATH and MANPATH environment variables. I don't think it has any other impact on the system.
I seem to have problems with it on snow leopardconstantly gives me architecture errors on build
I had the same problem on Snow Leopard a while ago. Running 'port selfupdate' and then retrying the install of arm-elf-gcc worked, so they must have fixed it.