



Suppose that I have a table Articles, which has fields article_id, content and it contains one article with id 1.

I also have a table Categories, which has fields category_id (primary key), category_name, and it contains one category with id 10.

Now suppose that I have a table ArticleProperties, that adds properties to Articles. This table has fields article_id, property_name, property_value.

Suppose that I want to create a mapping from Categories to Articles via ArticleProperties table.

I do this by inserting the following values in the ArticleProperties table: (article_id=1, property_name="category", property_value=10).

Is there any way in SQLAlchemy to express that rows in table ArticleProperties with property_name "category" are actually FOREIGN KEYS of table Articles to table Categories?

This is a complicated problem and I haven't found an answer myself.

Any help appreciated!

Thanks, Boda Cydo.

+1  A: 

Assuming I understand you question correctly, then No, you can't model that relationship as you have suggested. (It would help if you described your desired result, rather than your perceived solution)

What I think you may want is a many-to-many mapping table called ArticleCategories, consisting of 2 int columns, ArticleID and CategoryID (with respective FKs)

Mitch Wheat
An article can have many properties - category, who was the last to edit the article, phase of moon the article was created, or anything you can imagine. I can't model it as ArticleCategories, or ArticleMoonPhase, as there are infinite number of properties (which names I sometimes don't even know - users who create articles add properties to it).
The end result is that when I do something like Article.property_name and have sqlalchemy automatically figure out the value.In my simple example .property_name would be .category, and sqlalchemy would know that .category is a foreign key on Categories table, and instead of returning id=10, it would know that .category is a foreign key on Category and return a full Category object.
I hope I explained it a bit more clearly.
Sir, do you have any answer?