




HI ,

I am learning to use <cfscript>.

Is there any way I can log some messages or values inside the <cfscript>?

like outside <cfscript> I can use <cflog>, Is there any way or Tag something like that, i can use to print the messages in log file inside >


+3  A: 

Unfortunately there isn't. However, what you can do is map a UDF to cflog:

<cffunction name="doCFLog">
   <cflog attributeCollection=arguments>

inside your cfscript call the doCFLog function with the same attributes as you would cflog

eg. doCFLog(text='sometext', type='warning',application='yes', file='mylog');

Note: its not a good idea to call your methods/udf etc the same name as an existing function or tag, hence not calling the function "cflog" or "log"

Stephen Moretti
+8  A: 

ColdFusion 9 added the "writeLog" function which allows you to do this. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WS48D04B65-0694-44e9-9E35-F9D7C9152B6C.html

Terry Ryan
Thanks Terry for info
Knew I'd seen something in CF9... typically couldn't see it when I looked. Thanks for the reminder Terry.
Stephen Moretti