Composition and inheritance.
I am aware that they are both tools to be chosen when appropriate, and context is very important in choosing between composition and inheritance. However, the discussion about the appropriate context for each is usually a little fuzzy; this has me beginning to consider just how distinctly inheritance and polymorphism are separate aspects of traditional OOP.
Polymorphism allows one to specify "is-a" relationships equally as well as inheritance. Particularly, inheriting from a base class implicitly creates a polymorphic relationship between that class and its subclasses. However, whereas polymorphism can be implemented using pure interfaces, inheritance complicates the polymorphic relationship by simultaneously transferring implementation details. In this way, inheritance is quite distinct from pure polymorphism.
As a tool, inheritance serves programmers differently than polymorphism (through pure interfaces) by simplifying implementation re-use in trivial cases. In the majority of cases, however, the implementation details of a superclass subtly conflict with the requirements of a subclass. This is why we have "overrides" and "member hiding". In these cases, the implementation re-use offered by inheritance is purchased with the added effort of verifying state changes and execution paths across cascading levels of code: the complete "flattened" implementation details of the subclass are spread between multiple classes, which usually means multiple files, of which only portions apply to the subclass in question. Looking through that hierarchy is absolutely necessary when dealing with inheritance, because without looking at the code of the superclass, there is no way to know what un-overidden details are monkeying with your state or diverting your execution.
In comparison, exclusive use of composition guarantees you will see what state can be modified by explicitly instantiated objects whose methods are invoked at your discretion. Truly flattened implementation is still not achieved (and actually isn't even desirable, since the benefit of structured programming is the encapsulation and abstraction of implementation details) but you still get your code-reuse, and you will only have to look in one place when the code misbehaves.
With the goal of testing these ideas in practice, eschewing traditional inheritance for a combination of pure interface-based polymorphism and object composition, I am wondering,
Is there anything object composition and interfaces cannot accomplish that inheritance can?
In the responses so far, ewernli believes there are no technical feats available for one technique but not the other; he later mentions how different patterns and design approaches are inherent to each technique. This stands to reason. However, the suggestion leads me to refine my question by asking whether exclusive use of composition and interfaces in lieu of traditional inheritance would prohibit the use of any major design patterns? And if so, aren't there equivalent patterns for use in my situation?