



I got message that the license expired to resharper 5 beta. I waited a few days but nothing was updated.

Is anyone else got this message?

In addition this post says that there is nightly builds. The question how can I get them. I there a public repository that I can get any update to this program?


+5  A: 

Get the nightly builds here:

On license it says:

You can install a ReSharper 5 nightly build and evaluate it for 30 days, irrelevant of whether you have a ReSharper license or not (except for some ReSharper 4.5 users who qualify for a free upgrade - see below.) If your nightly build expires before ReSharper 5 is released, you can download and install a fresh nightly build and continue evaluation. However, if you have purchased or upgraded to ReSharper 4.5 on October 15, 2009 or later, you qualify for a free upgrade to ReSharper 5.0. You can use ReSharper 5 Beta, ReSharper 5 nightly builds, and ReSharper 5 release build without any restrictions.

+1 Many thanks!

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