



I'd like to do some processing and statistics calculations over the .NET framework's classes and methods.

Can I get the documentation in an easily parseable format?

Or am I doomed to scrap MSDN?

+1  A: 

There is XML documentation in the .NET Framework Assemblies, if you're willing to read it from them.

Robert Harvey
Interesting... How would I bootstrap this?
Vinko Vrsalovic
You mean Sandcastle? You would have to break open the source code and have a look, but I suspect that much of the heavy lifting has already been done for you.
Robert Harvey

If you're just interested in the code itself, you could just load the types directly via reflection; that way you'll have direct access to whatever information you need. It could be slow of course!

Will Vousden

There are "lightweight" and "script-free" formats for MSDN pages now. That doesn't completely solve your problem, but it should make the pages a little easier to parse.

You can put (lightweight) or (loband) in the URL to get these formats:

If you go to MSDN in the browser, there are options to switch between these different views as well.

Andy White