Is there any way to create something like friend classes in Objective-C?
First declare a "private property" using the standard class extension method:
// VisualNotePlayer.h
@interface VisualNotePlayer : NSObject<NotePlayer>{
UIView *_currentView;
// VisualNotePlayer.m
@interface VisualNotePlayer()
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIView *currentView;
@implementation VisualNotePlayer
@synthesize currentView=_currentView;
Then recreate the properties in a category:
// VisualNotePlayer+Views.h
@interface VisualNotePlayer(Views)
@property (nonatomic, retain) UIView *currentView;
This interface is only accessible to those who import VisualNotePlayer+Views.h
2010-02-11 00:46:36
There is no such thing as a friend class in ObjC.
And to access a private variable of another class you don't even need to be declared as a friend. For example, you can use the runtime functions
id the_private_ivar;
object_getInstanceVariable(the_object, "_ivar_name", &the_private_ivar);
to get the_object->_ivar_name
, bypassing compiler checks.
2010-02-11 06:32:47